Contact & Data
Company data
Our company registration
Our studio is official registered at the Belgium chamber of commerce under BE 0668.568.837 this will be also our official VAT-number for all financial transactions.
Bank connections
All payments and financial transactions will handled by our bank account at KBC BE50 7390 1341 6818 (BIG: KREDBEBB)
Location & Atelier
Our atelier is settled in Montenaken/Gingelom 3890 Sint-Rumoldusstraat 63 a nice village in the Limburg area of the Belgium Haspengouw right in the middle of the blossom rich fruit yards and full of delicious pears and apples. For further details follow the question mark.
Forge & Furnace Tumulus is a proud member of the artists' association 'GlobalArt VZW', an association of international artists with the same goal of bringing together national and international fellow artists, creatively inspiring and encouraging them to manifest themselves culturally. We regularly connect with the exhibitions and other events held here. For further details follow the question mark.
Forge & Furnace Tumulus
Member of GlobalArt